How OTC Pain Medication and Exercise can Solve 80% of Back Pain

An assortment of pill next to a graphic of a cartoon woman running which is implying that she is running away from prescription drugs.

Low back pain is an epidemic. In fact, 80% of adults report experiencing low back pain at some point in their lives. It’s a major cause of lost productivity, affecting the economy as well as your individual well being. Fortunately, most lower back pain resolves itself through time and self-care. However, if your pain lasts longer […]

Why Pain Doctors View Surgery as “Last Resort” For Back Pain

Two orthopedic spine surgeons performing surgery for vertebral compression fracture in an operating room.

If you’re one of the millions of people who experience back pain each year, remember you aren’t alone. It’s one of the most common reasons to miss work or visit a doctor. You may think surgery is inevitable, but in reality, only a small minority of patients require surgery for back pain. Typically, you can resolve your […]