Fibroids and Periods: Everything You Need to Know

If your doctor has just diagnosed you with uterine fibroids, you’re probably wondering or worried about your prognosis and what to expect going forward.  You may also be asking about your immediate or future treatment options and to expect in terms of day-to-day symptoms or quality of life—including how your fibroids will affect your menstrual […]

Sex and Fibroids: Can You and Will It Hurt?

When our doctors give us a sure-fire medical diagnosis, we are often relieved to finally have a name and a source for our uncomfortable symptoms. Most of the time, we’re also eager to learn the prognosis, the treatment plan, and our next steps.  Pre- and post-treatment, we also want to know how this diagnosis or […]

Are Fibroids Cancerous?

A fibroid specialist and patient reviewing fibroid treatment options while wearing masks.

We often auto-associate the word “tumor” with “cancer.”  So when patients first get diagnosed or hear that fibroids (also called leiomyomas or myomas) are, in fact, uterine tumors, they ask, “are my fibroids cancerous?” Most of the time the answer is “no.” Although 20 – 80% of women may develop fibroids, and fibroids often have […]

Fibroids Diet: Are there Foods that Shrink Fibroids?

Bowls of fruit and healthy foods for a nutritious meal.

Table of Contents “We are what we eat.”  How many times have you heard this from dietitians and other health and wellness experts?  However, when it comes to eating well to avoid or treat uterine fibroids and related symptoms, the research on the fibroids diet link tends to track in two distinct directions. First, in […]

6 Ways to Find Relief From Fibroids

A woman laying on the couch considering treatment options for fibroids.

By age 50, one in three women will be diagnosed with fibroids. According to the National Institute for Health (NIH) Center for Biotechnology Information, among those diagnosed, 15 million women will experience life-altering fibroid symptoms such as pelvic pain, cramps, heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding, spotting between periods, frequent and urgent urination, constipation, pain during sex […]

Fibroids and Weight Gain: Everything You Need to Know

Woman stepping on a scale to see if weight gain is a side effect of fibroids.

Research shows that patients around the country, often view weight gain as one of the most worrisome side effects of fibroids. In hopes of easing these worries, we’ve answered some of the most common questions about fibroids and weight gain, to prove these side effects, with the proper care, won’t be permanent. Worried about your […]

How To Find a Doctor (And Feel Confident About Your Choice)

Professional photo of a fibroid specialist in work attire wearing a stethoscope.

Everyone will need a doctor at some point in their life, but searching and selecting the right physician for your health needs isn’t always easy. There are more than one million active physicians in the US, and it can be overwhelming trying to navigate their services, certifications, and specialties. Table of Contents The internet makes […]

Which Size of Fibroid Is Dangerous?

A woman sitting on the couch with a cup of juice who is in some discomfort due to fibroids.

The size of a fibroid can worsen symptoms and cause medical issues for many women. Although any size fibroid can cause symptoms, large fibroids are more likely to compress  structures within the abdomen and pelvis, consequently causing pain, cramping, bloating, constipation, and issues with urination. While the natural assumption is “bigger fibroids=greater symptoms”, that isn’t […]

What Are The Benefits of Spinal Cord Stimulation For Pain After Back Surgery?

Dr. Eric DePopas summarizes some of the largest studies to date on spinal cord stimulation for patients with chronic back pain or chronic pain after back surgery. This video will: 1. Explain why many patients have pain after back surgery 2. Rapidly review the results of the largest studies on spinal cord stimulation 3. Explain […]

How to Treat Uterine Fibroids WITHOUT Surgery

Three potatoes that are used to symbolize the size of fibroids. this educational snippet, Dr. Aaron Frodsham out of Salt Lake City explains how uterine fibroids can be treated without surgery. Learn how a minimally invasive, same-day procedure called uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is changing the way fibroids are managed. With UFE, many women can now avoid surgeries like hysterectomy and myomectomy. Why Uterine Fibroid Embolization? Wondering what sets […]